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Frankie Johnson

Frankie Johnson

Katherine pierce gif hunt







































Peace! Keep reading. Have fun, y’all. Peace! Keep reading.None of these gifs are mine and all credit goes to their creators. Have fun, y’all.If you found this helpful, it’d be rad with a like or reblog. Enjoy.I’d love it if you would give this post a like if it helped you in any way because feedback is always nice. Peace! Keep reading.That is all. Have fun, y’all.That is all. Have fun, y’all.That is all.I think there are no frozen ones and no repeats, but if there is I apologize.There are no repeats but there may be gifs from the same scene in a different size or coloring.None of these gifs are mine and all credit goes to their creators.If you found this helpful, it’d be rad with a like or reblog.I think there are no frozen ones and no repeats, but if there is I apologize. Peace! Keep reading. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















requests are open ? ? katherine pierce gif hunt. Under the cut you?ll...

katherine pierce gif hunt
Image source: i.skyrock.net

None of said gifs are mine & all credit goes to their original.— katherine pierce gif hunt. “ Under the cut you’ll find #174 small & medium HQ gifs of Nina Dobrev as Katherine Pierce/Katerina PetrovaI do not take any credit for any of the gifs, if you see your gif in this and would like it taken down, just shoot me a message

katherine pierce gif hunt
Image source: 38.media.tumblr.com

I do not take any credit for any of the gifs, if you see your gif in this and would like it taken down,.“ As requested, here are #300+ gifs of Nina Dobrev as Katherine Pierce in The Vampire Diaries

katherine pierce gif hunt sur Tumblr

? I took a lot of time making these, so I will not be the least bit happy if you take and redistribute as your own.These are ALL LABELED so no naming is needed.Original gifs are not mine, credit to the makers.:( Don?t repost them as your own.You may use these in your own hunts ?- but please, give credit where credit is due.All of these gifs are roleplayable, and none of them belong to me so credit goes to the rightful owners.Basically I'm an rph minus all the cool rph features.If you want a downloadable gif hunt with all gifs named, request here.These are mostly old gifs of her from the earlier seasons, not season five since this is an old folder I used to have when I played a character with the same attitude as Katherine way back when.Do not repost these as your own, I worked hard on these believe it or not. requests are open — — katherine pierce gif hunt.

The Vampire Diaries



malia & kira

None of these gifs are mine, and if you would like credit or a gif removed don’t hesitate to send us an ask.The gif hunt differs between text and text less gifs.Make sure you check out our what 'we do page' to find out the various ways in which we offer help.Sorry in advance for any repeats! Enjoy!”.On our page we are dedicated to providing constructive criticism and helpful tips to make your rp experience an amazing one.Our goal and mission is to help help those who want to try to make the rp world healthier and happier to be young — Mini Katherine Pierce Gif hunt.

katherine pierce gif hunt
Image source: media.tumblr.com

Please like or reblog if this was useful to you! Updated 10.None of these GIFs are mine, and all credit goes to their makers.15.24

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on hiatus — Katherine Pierce Gif Hunt

katherine pierce gif hunt
Image source: i.skyrock.net

? Nina Dobrev Period Gif Hunt ? Under the cut are #234 small and medium GIFs of the breathtaking Nina Dobrev in period clothing or where costume is minimally visible, all from The Vampire Diaries


Katherine Pierce Gif hunt • These are all from 4x06 • Do not steal • Please like/reblog if using/saving • All gifs made by Mel • 45 gifs total [[MORE]].

“ ?”This is gif hunt has #400+ ,quality, small/medium/large gifs of NINA DOBREV as KATHERINE PIERCE who derives from the show The Vampire Diaries. The gif hunt differs between text and text less gifs....

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